
Everything is Connected

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Lion King Part IX

After Simba realizes his mistake, even though he showed some bravery in standing up for Zazoo, he and Nala have to start running for their lives. At one point Nala cries out to Simba as she slides down backwards on the pile of bones they were climbing up. Simba shows some heroic qualities as he runs back down and holds back Shenzi from catching Nala with a fast scratch. Angering Shenzi in the process.

Towards the end of the chase scene they slide down the spinal column of and elephant. They try then climbing to safety only to tear through the skin and land hard. The three hyenas come up threateningly upon the two cubs. Simba tries to intimidate them and scare them off by roaring. His young and inexperienced cat cries prove less than successful. "Hoo? That was it? Try again." Shenzi taunts. This can be similar to experiences every person faces. they run from something that seems to hold them back. They run away from their personal hyenas or dangers. At the worst possible moments it seems they are inevitably caught by their danger. But the Lord Always provides a danger protection.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Lion King Part VIII

Introduction to three characters, the major hyenas: Shenzi, the oldest and only female of the trio, Bonzai, and Ed; not known for his mental capacity. They are introduced coming out of the eye sockets of the gigantic elephant skull behind Simba in his moment of over-selfconfidence. Zazoo places his small frame bravely infront of the two cubs. Shenzi speaks first by asking, "What have we here?" Bonzai responds with, "I don't know, Shenzi, what do you think, Ed?" Ed merely laughs in response. Bonzai says, "just what I was thinking...a delicious trio of trespassers." We get a hint of their morbid sense of humor as they torment and tease the three they have caught.  Zazoo tries to excuse then and says, "my, my, my, look at the sun! It's time to go." (After Simba has already insulted them with Zazoo's own words." Shenzi jumps in and blocks them while saying, "Wait, we'd love to have you stick around for dinner." This starts a battle of puns between the two. "Yeah, we could have...whatever's lion around." Shenzi retorts with, "wait, wait, wait I got one. Make mine a cub sandwich. What'cha think?" Ed jumps in and awkwardly tries to tell them something. Shenzi, replies grumpily, "What, Ed?" Bonzai looking after Ed's motions asks, "Hey, did we order this dinner to go?" "No, why?" "'Cause there it goes!"

The two cubs followed by Zazoo make their escape as the threesome play their game of puns. The cubs are fast enough to get further away while Shenzi, Bonzai, and Ed are destracted by "Dancing" Zazoo over to the "birdy boiler". After he is launched off in a burst of geyser steam the trio are interrupted intheir gleeful laughing by Simba saying, "Hey, why don't you pick on somebody your own size?" This leaves open the perfect door for Shenzi, "like you?" Simba recognizes his mistake pretty fast, "oops." And thus commences the chase scene.

This scene effectively covers what is recognized as the persecution of the followers of Jesus Christ. For thousands of years the prophets and disciples of God have been mocked, persecuted,and martyred for their beliefs. Among these names are the prophets Noah, Moses, John the Baptist, Paul, John the Beloved, Jesus Christ Himself, and in more modern times the prophet Joseph Smith. Even missionaries now have similar stories of such persecutions. 1 Nephi 13:9 "And also for the praise of the world do they destroy the saints of God, and bring them down into captivity." The hyenas are trying to capture and kill simba and Nala, much like those against the disciples of Jesus Christ would target the Saints. And in some cases still do.