
Everything is Connected

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Lion King Pt IV

Next we see Simba going to visit his uncle, Scar. Simba in his youthful Naivete announces that he will be king over the entire Kingdom his father had just finished showing him. this already being a sore point for Scar, we can see his frustration and annoyance at his nephew. With curiosity Simba asks, "when I'm king what does that make you?" Scar replies, "a monkey's uncle." We get a hint of Scar's personality when he replies to Simba's, "you're so weird." With, "you have no idea." his voice even suggests, sarcastically, that he had hidden agendas. Scar takes on a well known role of Satan as he lusts after a kingdom to the point of losing his own, well, sanity.

Scar shows another trait of the Adversary by careful temptation of the young lion's curiosity and desire for adventure. Very falsely, to the ears of the experienced part of the audience Scar says, "And elephant graveyard is no place for a young prince...oops!" Scar knew exactly that Simba would get excited as we see by his, "and elephant what?...whoa!" Scar again innocently says, "Oh, dear I've said too much. I guess you would have known sooner or later." That was the plan. Just like Satan he knew just what buttons to push. He even ends with a phrase that can easily be pointed back to Satan, "Remember, it's our little secret."

Monday, April 28, 2014

Lion King Pt III

The Lesson is interrupted when the news is made known of hyenas in the Pride Lands. Hyenas, being the natural enemy to lions would not be welcome int he territory. The hyena are portrayed in the movie as creatures of pleasure, often even morbid joys. They often allow their desires to rule over them instead of thinking things trough. The scripture best applying to this set up is Mosiah 3:19, simplified it is the natural man (our pleasures and desires controlling our actions) is an enemy to God.
When Simba asks, "Dad, Can't I come?" Mufasa gravely replies, "no, Son." As a protection to his young cub Mufasa seems to be denying Simba some "fun." As the movie progresses we see quite the opposite. There are laws that have been set up as a protection for the followers of Christ, or as are better known, Commandments. Theses protect rather than hold back. For example, the Word of Wisdom is God's command to abstain from alcohol consumption, drinking green, white, or black teas and coffee and the use of illegal drugs. These may seem like it's too strict in a world nearly consumed by it. Yet as people notice when presented those things by peers feel more confident in refusing the possible addiction. This is  a protectorate, not a hindrance.

We see, then Zazoo leading Simba home, Zazoo seems in a way to be a for of the Holy Ghost, as he is with Simba he is a guide, and warner, and a comforter. We see this role come more into play as we go along, but for now is is a comforter. Simba, frustrated that he was not able to join his father with removing the hyena, is comforted by Zazoo as he tells of what Simba will be able to do when he grows up. The Holy Ghost is described on several occasions as the comforter. As in Moroni 8:26. One of the roles of the Holy Ghost is to give comfort to those who need it. While Zazoo is providing that role right at this moment.

Lion King Pt II

Now Mufasa takes Simba on a tour of the Kingdom to show him and teach him a valuable life lesson. "As King, you need to understand that balance and respect all creatures, from the crawling ant to the leaping antelope." Every creature has a measure of existence, planned for them since the creation of the world as spoken n Genesis and the Pearl of Great Price. The book of Moses holds the story of the creation in chapter 2.

When Zazoo introduces himself into the picture it seems like the lesson with Mufasa is over, but in the song "Morning Report" it gives a small idea of what really Mufasa's job as King holds. Even while all of this information is being relayed King Mufasa is still able to teach Simba, about pouncing. All the audience really hears is, "Stay low to the ground..." As we go through life we sometimes forget to "Stay low to the ground." The moment we forget our own pouncing becomes sloppy and we lose the ability to do as we desire. "Stay[ing] low to the ground would be by studying the words of God and doing as He has asked us to do. By faithfully studying the words of God as found in the scriptures or as spoken by the prophet and those authorized to speak in god's name we can "Stay low to the ground." 1 Nephi 19:23 tells how we can apply or "Liken" the scripture for our gain and knowledge. Simba proves his mettle when he successfully pounces on Zazoo and knocks him over. And that is the end of the "Morning Report." Almost.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

The Lion King- Walt Disney Part I

We will start with something almost everybody knows, Disney's The Lion King.

The movie starts with the presentation of Simba by Rafiki, the family friend and advisor. The young lion cub, Simba, is lifted so all the animals around Pride Rock can see the new king-to-be. Much like the presentation of Jesus Christ according to the traditions of the Jewish people to whom Christ was born into. In Luke 2:22 they define a little of the blessing tradition, not much. Now in modern times we have something known as the "baby blessing" with which men holding the priesthood authority are able to bless and name the baby in front of their home congregation. They stand in a circle with the infant held in the center and bless as the spirit directs. Then usually they lift the infant so the members can see their newest addition. Like Simba being raise for them to see.

The next time Simba is a young cub asking his dad, Mufasa, to keep his promise. Mufasa then shows him alll he can and will have when the time is right. God has promise us all He has if we do all that is right and follow His commandments. We don't fully comprehend this, but if we, like Simba, ask we can start to get answers. God is our Heavenly Father and wants to help us like any father would.

Mufasa explains that the kingsom they have is defined by the light touching it. Simba, looking around says, "everything the light touches. What about that shadowy place?" Mufasa joins Simba and says clarly in a warning voice, "That's beyond our border. You must never go there, my son." This is clearly a  warning for safety. We, too have "shadowy places" in our own lives, places that are dangerous and are outside of the kingdom of God, the land "where the light touches." The "shadowy places" hold things of evil nature, things dangerous to oru souls. Those things are not allowed to enter the kingdom of light. The warning is there, we know the places of danger, and they are easily seen.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

The Goal is in sight!

This blog's main focus is taking the things that are popular in entertainment and connecting them to truths of the gospel of Jesus Christ as can be found in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint. This is not an official sight of the Church, only the compilation of one of it's members. If there are any questions and comments feel free to post them.