
Everything is Connected

Monday, April 28, 2014

Lion King Pt II

Now Mufasa takes Simba on a tour of the Kingdom to show him and teach him a valuable life lesson. "As King, you need to understand that balance and respect all creatures, from the crawling ant to the leaping antelope." Every creature has a measure of existence, planned for them since the creation of the world as spoken n Genesis and the Pearl of Great Price. The book of Moses holds the story of the creation in chapter 2.

When Zazoo introduces himself into the picture it seems like the lesson with Mufasa is over, but in the song "Morning Report" it gives a small idea of what really Mufasa's job as King holds. Even while all of this information is being relayed King Mufasa is still able to teach Simba, about pouncing. All the audience really hears is, "Stay low to the ground..." As we go through life we sometimes forget to "Stay low to the ground." The moment we forget our own pouncing becomes sloppy and we lose the ability to do as we desire. "Stay[ing] low to the ground would be by studying the words of God and doing as He has asked us to do. By faithfully studying the words of God as found in the scriptures or as spoken by the prophet and those authorized to speak in god's name we can "Stay low to the ground." 1 Nephi 19:23 tells how we can apply or "Liken" the scripture for our gain and knowledge. Simba proves his mettle when he successfully pounces on Zazoo and knocks him over. And that is the end of the "Morning Report." Almost.

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