
Everything is Connected

Thursday, December 4, 2014

The Road Not Taken - Robert Frost

This was a poem that my age group in sixth grade were asked to memorize. I can say that it was tough for me, but I do remember most of the poem. I would just like to highlight a few points in a few of the stanzas. So, to start:
The Beginning.

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
and be one traveler long I stood,
and looked down one as far as I could,
until it bent in the undergrowth. 

I love the use of the numbers. It illustrates the point that we cannot travel more than one path. Much as the Bible points out that we cannot serve two masters. We are encouraged by prophets past and present to ponder our choices and make educated decisions based off of our findings and our faith. As we search for the best path we look forward to see if we know the ending. Sometimes we cannot see the end. As like the path that disappeared behind the plants.

But took the other just as fair,
and having, perhaps, the better claim.
For it was grassy and wanted wear,
But as for the passing there had really worn them about the same

The other path showed less signs of use, and the traveler took that path. It seems unusual for a person to take such a step, to go a path that is not known that they seem less desirable. But in this instance the traveler took that path. The minority in some choices tend to find the greatest joys in life. They follow the right path, not the easy one. Or, the road less traveled. 

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,And sorry I could not travel both …Yet knowing how way leads on to way,I doubted if I should ever come back.

It matters that you keep to the path, you cannot give up before you know if you have done enough. I know that when you feel like you cannot see the end you want to give up. But don't quit. There is so much still to do. There is always something to do. As a quote from the movie Galaxy Quest "Never give up, Never surrender." There is something only you can do.  

I shall be telling this with a sighSomewhere ages and ages hence:Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—I took the one less traveled by,And that has made all the difference.

When you look back on life what do you want to see yourself doing? Have you made the commitment to do your best in every endeavor? When you do your best you can look back with confidence and satisfaction of what you have done. It may not have been the popular choice, or the most applauded. But as others see your determination to do your best they start to follow you and try to do their best, too. People don't usually changed until they see a role model do something. Be the role model you would like to follow. 

Tuesday, November 11, 2014


Ever had that moment when you come fact-to-face with something much larger than yourself and though, "Whoa!" The world alone is big and hard to comprehend, let alone the entire universe! Something created that is much bigger than we can even comprehend! It is truly amazing to see the differences and to come into contact with the wonders placed before us.

I remember the time that I realized I was a lot smaller than I even knew. I was sitting out on the plains of Wyoming and looking, for the first time, at the whole view of the Milky-way galaxy that we can see. The billions of stars glowing in their splendor and the beauty of the night sky, unfettered by the glare of city lights and pollution.

If I could have looked light this I would have, but I cannot describe the feelings that came from the splendid display created by my Heavenly Father and Savior. They were amazing to behold. Something That I will never forget for as long as I live. It was further evidence of the love of God towards us, and His great power.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014


Ever had that moment when things just don't seem to want to go your way, or the silliness of another rub the wrong direction? 

I am sure that everyone has...

But those moments are something you can decide to become something even better. Each person has set talents and skills they use to help others accomplish great goals. Many stories show such experience. That of having to get used to others and how to work together in hard things. One of the best examples in pop culture would probably be that of Marvel's Avengers. A team of people randomly put together with the hope that they will be able to overcome a powerful force. They start out rocky to begin with, but with a tragic event they learn to put their differences aside and focus on the need to beat the common foe. They become a team better prepared to fight together.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

"In Harmony" The Little Mermaid and Friends

Friendship is one of the greatest blessings and supports, no matter the situation. I know that as I have come to make new friends as well as have suffered the loss of friends that friendship has seen me through many hardships. As is used in Disney's The Princess and the Frog
 "We all be there for you,
we gonna take you all the way down.
We know where you going
and we goin' wit' chu
taking you all the way!"

Friends can help guide you through the darkness and teach you to, "Keep Swimming" -Dory.

I know that even in difficult work situations having a friend makes the work become play and the day is brightened.

Have the strength to open your mouth to a new friend and trust that things will work through in the end. As you come to know yourself you can come to know how to be a better friend, too. To gain a good friend you but first be a good friend. It is very hard sometime to step out of your bubble and talk to someone, but I know through experience that sometimes we find the strongest friends through that.

There are so many different kinds of personalities that help us to learn how to work in harmony with each other. That is why "In Harmony" is one of my favorite songs. It teaches us that it is important to have some differences and how we are better able to accomplish a wide range of need than if we were all one kind of person.

"If there was only one note,
how boring life would be.
I so glad are are so many notes,
in many different keys!"
This is the start of the song, and due to a long period of time not hearing it I cannot be sure of the rest, but it holds the same message. By working together with different personality we can find a sonata mixed in the people we come into contact with. Harmony is key to changing the world and helping it become a place of peace and serenity.

Monday, October 27, 2014

"My Father's Eyes"

The thought that keeps playing in my head is "my father's eyes." It is a phrase commonly used to refer to the connection to their parent. The reason I want to cover this topic today is the use of the father figure in helping a hero understand their place in the scheme of things. For example, as Lion King has been my main focus, Mufasa:

The father of Simba, who later becomes the protagonist of the movie poses the wisdom and teacher of Simba. Through his actions the audience can see the love and care he has for his son. The desire for the youth to grow up to be a wise and good being. Mufasa takes the time necessary to raise, and love his son the way kids are suppose to learn. By play and by experience. Even when it feels difficult the king helps and does what is, perhaps, inconvenient for him.

Next, I would like to focus on Fa Zhou:

The father of Mulan. At times he may seem tough and unloving, but when the time is right he sits down and talks with his daughter about the process of learning in life. His most famous quote is that of "this one's late, I bet that when it blooms, it will be the most beautiful of all." Helping her to understand that she may just be a late bloomer and that she is precious in his sight. Even towards the end as he is missing and worrying for her she arrives and tries to mend whatever breach there may be. He ignores the things of worldly import and hugs her close and tells her of his care. Fathers really make a difference in our lives.

Finally, I would like to focus on Marlin:

Over-protective and very skeptical covers much of the personality of this father. He, through previous experience, lost many loved ones in a single moment. But by chance Nemo survived the attack. Nemo, doesn't really come to understand how much his father loves him until he is kidnapped and taken away. Marlin risks everything, his own life included to try and rescue his son. Along the way he meets Dory and comes to learn to rely on others and not just his own strength. As they are reunited he again has to learn to trust that his own son can and is capable of many things. But he shows his trust and love by letting Nemo do his part. Nemo comes to know that Marlin truly loves him and is willing to do anything necessary to keep him safe.

Now, all of these characteristics are present in my own father. Because he is there for me I have been able to accomplish so much more. He has pushed when I was unwilling to do so, and by creating goals for me that make me work I have become stronger, and I hope, wiser. I am grateful for him and all that he has done for me. Even so I am grateful to my Grandfathers and my ancestors that have made many sacrifices for their families and done so much to make it possible for us to be here today. Fathers are necessary to change the world. They desire for their children to have better than they and try to help lead them on the path.

All the same applies to our Heavenly Father, He gave us all the chance to come to the earth and to learn and to grow. He gave us the chance to come into Celestial glory and to know of Him better. He provided a Savior by sacrificing His own Son to pay the price for us. How great is the love of our God, our Father, and our Support! May we all reflect our Father's eyes.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

A Common Theme

I have come to notice that most films that become popular, books, songs, and other such things tend to have the theme of looking past the outside to the person inside. The process of finding who the person truly is, not by how they look, or what their previous situation was. For instance, The Hunchback of Notre Dame is a story of a man who is deformed into what most people would be considered hideous and revolting to look upon. And yet, you are given a specific and serious look into his background and personality before most of the other characters even come into play. You see the soft-hearted guy who is left alone to deal with his loneliness and sorrows. His "master" as Frollo is called, constantly destroys his confidence and abuses him. The time of recognizing his worth comes as Esmerelda comes into the story. She sees passed the appearance and comes to know the man he is.

Also comes many more, such as Dumbo, Tangled, Frozen,  and more titles that are showing the need to look past the first obvious picture. These all have some deep emotional value that we as people understand. I have been on both ends of the spectrum. When I feel left out and alone it is difficult to see my own value and the contributions I can make. Though, also comes the time that Someone reaches out and sees passed the initial instance that may hold them back. The joy of making a new friend out weighs any of the awkward starts. This opens doors and allows for many to know the joy of fellowship.

Even as the theme of change shows up many times, there is that constant connection to the past, past friends, loves, family, and so on. This just shows the love behind the meaning and the story. I know that I often cried when shows had a bitter-sweet farewell from characters, as one goes off on a grand adventure. The other is left sorrowful for the change, and yet they, too, have something to look forward to and a joy to come.

Monday, September 22, 2014

"Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride"

It is so easy to get caught up in the "wave" of things that are popular and fun. We just really need to be careful as to how it catches us. Are we prepared for everything that comes with the wave? It is easy to rush out to the water when we see the fun others are having. But without our boards we cannot do much. One thing emphasized through out my growing up years was the need to be prepared for what may come. So, don't hope the wave, unless you have a board waiting.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

"You'll Be In My Heart"

This is a unique song in the fact of the background story that is connected to it. In the story of Tarzan a young baby, human, is adopted by a gorilla mother. Both stories prove tragic as Tarzan's mother and father were killed by the leopard and Kala, the gorilla's baby is killed by the same jungle cat. But by chance they come together and become a small family of their own.

As Tarzan grows he struggles with the things of life that comes easily to the gorillas. He cannot climb the trees well, nor can he keep up with the apes of his own age. But with the support of Kala and of Turk, his best friend he overcomes such challenges. He even learns that no matter the outside appearance that they all have similarities that help them become stronger and have a bond that under normal circumstances would not be there. With those struggles Tarzan learns to become creative and find solutions for things by thinking outside of the box. He tries to live up to his potential and prove himself to Kerchak.

Much like our lives here, we try to live up to a potential that is infinite. And because it is so we may feel that we will never reach that point of success. Well, that is simply not true. Though it is difficult, to say the least, we have been given a way to find that potential and work our way to that. Through the Savior, Jesus Christ, we can learn and develop that potential into celestial and glorified beings. Much like a Caterpillar becomes a butterfly through metamorphosis, we can allow ourselves to change and become more like the Savior. 

Those struggles bring us great strength as we overcome them. When more come we can look back and say, "Oh, I've had worse than this. I can do this." We learn through that and gain strength. And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them. Ether 12:27

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Lion King Part XI

After the hyenas leave Zazoo lands near the king with a satisfied nod, Mufasa sternly looks at him. Zazoo pulls back recognizing the frustration and anger Mufasa shows. Mufasa commands them to return home. Dejected and a little humiliated the three follow the king back to the Pridelands. Nala states to Simba as they follow, "I thought you were really brave."

They stop in the plains and Simba and Nala stop further behind. For some time Mufasa speaks to Zazoo, commanding Zazoo to take Nala back to Priderock. "I have to teach my son a lesson." They look back and see Simba sink lower into the grass, until you can barely see him. Zazoo flies back to the children and says, "Come, Nala, Simba...Good luck." The then leads Nala away. She glances back once to Simba.

"Simba," Mufasa Calls out. Silently, the young cub walks toward his father. He steps into a dip and looks down. There you see a moment where his small paw pressed into the paw print of his father. The huge print making his own paw look very small in comparison.

There are times in our lives , my own included where we are called by our Heavenly Father and our Savior. When we answer the call we move toward them, unsure of ourselves, and nervous of what is to come. WE even have a moment or several as I have experienced, when we feel we are inadequate, that we cannot fill the shoe, or paw print, left before us. But as always there is hope in our Savior.

Alma the younger, one of the prophets of the Book of Mormon had much a similar experience. He was one of the most sinful people in his land, and yet (while not fitting the paw print) he is helped as he journeys toward the Lord. "Nevertheless, after wading through much tribulation, repenting nigh unto death, the Lord in mercy has seen fit to snatch me out of an everlasting burning, and I am born of God." (Mosiah 27:28)

God does not call the qualified, He qualifies the called as President Thomas S. Monson taught the church as a whole. We are given tasks we may feel we can't do. But we are given the tools to accomplish it. So, with the help of our Savior and Lord we can fit the shoe, or in this case, paw print.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Lion King X.V

There is a small time after Mufasa leads the cubs away that the camera pans back and you see Scar looking on with a less that happy expression on his face. In fact he looks down right angry. We know by foreshadowing and talented story writers that Scar would become the obvious villain in the story. His essence is that of a well, defined bad guy.

Unfortunately, in real life sometimes we cannot see the enemy as well. The movies make them so easy to see. But here we have to pray for the spirit of discernment to really get any idea of what may be against us. We keep working to the goal and fight the danger that faces us. Our personal "Scars" may be hidden from our view. Or our judgement maybe clouded by love of one or something much like Mufasa was in caring for his brother, or Simba for his relationship to his uncle and youthful naivete. We can only pray for the guidance we need.