
Everything is Connected

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Lion King Part XI

After the hyenas leave Zazoo lands near the king with a satisfied nod, Mufasa sternly looks at him. Zazoo pulls back recognizing the frustration and anger Mufasa shows. Mufasa commands them to return home. Dejected and a little humiliated the three follow the king back to the Pridelands. Nala states to Simba as they follow, "I thought you were really brave."

They stop in the plains and Simba and Nala stop further behind. For some time Mufasa speaks to Zazoo, commanding Zazoo to take Nala back to Priderock. "I have to teach my son a lesson." They look back and see Simba sink lower into the grass, until you can barely see him. Zazoo flies back to the children and says, "Come, Nala, Simba...Good luck." The then leads Nala away. She glances back once to Simba.

"Simba," Mufasa Calls out. Silently, the young cub walks toward his father. He steps into a dip and looks down. There you see a moment where his small paw pressed into the paw print of his father. The huge print making his own paw look very small in comparison.

There are times in our lives , my own included where we are called by our Heavenly Father and our Savior. When we answer the call we move toward them, unsure of ourselves, and nervous of what is to come. WE even have a moment or several as I have experienced, when we feel we are inadequate, that we cannot fill the shoe, or paw print, left before us. But as always there is hope in our Savior.

Alma the younger, one of the prophets of the Book of Mormon had much a similar experience. He was one of the most sinful people in his land, and yet (while not fitting the paw print) he is helped as he journeys toward the Lord. "Nevertheless, after wading through much tribulation, repenting nigh unto death, the Lord in mercy has seen fit to snatch me out of an everlasting burning, and I am born of God." (Mosiah 27:28)

God does not call the qualified, He qualifies the called as President Thomas S. Monson taught the church as a whole. We are given tasks we may feel we can't do. But we are given the tools to accomplish it. So, with the help of our Savior and Lord we can fit the shoe, or in this case, paw print.

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