
Everything is Connected

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Lion King Part V

As expected, Simba goes off to find his best friend, Nala. With his great plan to explore the elephant graveyard. He finds Nala with her mother and Simba's mother, Sarabi. Like most kids wanting to have fun while it might be taken wrong by parents Simba side steps around Sarabi's question of, "So, where is this really cool place?" "Around the water hole." Nala objects about possible fun there, Simba then says, "I'll show you when we get there." Nala is intrigued and follows the desire of adventure. With permission they are allowed to go to the water hole, with a stipulation, that Zazoo  goes with them. Again the role of the Holy Ghost comes into place. The warning voice and protector.

As they head toward the water hole the real destination is revealed to Nala. She gets excited and says, "Wow!" As the two lions talk about their plan to get away from Zazoo he mistakes it as a hint of romance between the kids. With a  small swoop down he joins them on the ground. Zazoo uses several words that the two kids don't understand, he further simplifies by saying, "One day you two are going to be married!" They respond with similar expressions of dislike at the idea. Zazoo, unimpressed by this display, repeats this along with a small idea of the role of king. When the duty of a king doesn't sit well with Simba he decides that he would change some things around.
Zazoo rejects the idea vehemently. This leads to the  song "I Can't Wait to be King." Which will be better discussed in the next part. But this whole interaction is showing the effects of both pride and contention. 3 Nephi 11:29 on contention that it is not of Christ but of the devil. Simba's pride of a future king makes it almost impossible for him to se what may be in the future, he fails to realize the importance and responsibility of the role, he can only see the glory of the title at this point. While Zazoo knows the finer points of the job. When he tries to reach Simba the cub rejects the unpleasant sounding parts.

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