
Everything is Connected

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Mother's day

Taking a momentary break from Lion King I turn to the holiday celebrating Mom. With a few memories from some classics. "Your Mother and Mine" from Peter Pan along with the "Women's Suffrage" song from Mary Poppins reminds us of the importance of mothers in our lives.

"Your Mother and Mine" is a song that is performed by Wendy, a song that reminds the boys of the mother they are far away from and they had forgotten about. They are reminded by Wendy's song and realized that they do, in fact, miss their mother and want to go back. Even more so the lost boys realize what they have been missing, even though they have had the time of their lives with Peter Pan they haven't yet really enjoyed the life they could have held with their mothers.

"Women's Suffrage" is based in the time when it was not legal for women to vote, yet Mrs. Banks is fighting for it with all she has. She even says that their daughters will remember and thank them for their tireless fight for suffrage. Having women in my own family fight for what they believe to be right I am grateful for their own tireless fight and struggle with things that have made much possible for us now.

The Movie Hook is a return to Neverland with Peter Pan and Captain Hook. Now Peter Pan is grown up and has two children of his own that are kidnapped and taken to Neverland. His daughter, Maggie, sings a song that was taught to her by her mother.
"When You're Alone"

When you're all alone,
far away from home.
There's a gift the angel send,
when you're alone.

Every day must end,
but the night's our friend.
Angels always send a star
when you're alone.
At night when I'm alone,
I lie awake and wonder,
which of them belong to me,
Which one I wonder.

Any star I choose,
Watches over me.
So, I know I'm not alone,
When I'm here on my own.
Isn't that a wonder,
When you're alone,
You're not alone,
Not really alone.

This song shows one of the roles required of a mother, that of comfort. This song comforts Maggie as she is far away from her home, and mother. She remembers her mother in her time of sorrow and loneliness. As well as it helps Jack, Peter's son, for a moment remember that his mother would sing that song to them when they would get ready for bed.

Toward the end of the movie you see their mother, Moira, waiting for them. She sits in a chair, asleep, with the window open, hoping her little ones will return to her. When she wakes up she thinks that she is dreaming, when in reality they are truly home. The moment she realizes that they are home she collapses and receives the hugs of her loving children. A mother's job is one of love, it is not paid by any other way. Love is enough for a Mother who has joy in her children.

Thank you to Mothers everywhere!

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