
Everything is Connected

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Lion King Part VI

Simba and Nala, now having effectively trapped Zazoo and gotten away excitedly head to the elephant graveyard. Simba boast with, "I'm a genius." Nala retorts, "hey, genius it was my idea." Simba says, "yeah, but I pulled it off." "With me!" "Oh, yeah?" they wrestle and Nala ends up on top. "Pinned ya!" Simba pushes her off and initiates yet another bout of wrestling. They tumble over an edge and Nala yet again beasts Simba, "pinned ya again." A burst of steam alters the two to the new location. They both look around, each with a different expression. Simba with excitement and Nala with fear and nervousness. She realizes the danger of the location and feels a need to leave. The Holy Ghost has another role, that of warning, often felt as a great fear or confusion. 2 Nephi 5:5 is a good example of such a warning. Nala feels such a fear and should have left.

Just as Simba gets ready to "check it out" Zazoo unexpectedly shows up. Simba, disappointed that his ploy did not last as long in keeping Zazoo away says, "aw man." But as Zazoo starts expressing his concer about them leaving eh safety of the Pridelands. Simba mocks him with,"Look, banana beak is scared." Zazoo doesn't even take true offence at the comment, "That's Mr. Banana Beak to you, Fuzzy!" He tachinges the topic to, "we are in very real danger." Simba, with his naive bravado says, "I laugh in the face of danger!" After his showing laugh his is joined with that of three others. Whom we get to know very well in the progression of the movie. Startled Simba jumps to relative safety behind Zazoo and Nala.

This time the kids come face to face with the natural enemy to lions, the hyena, or really three of them at once. Not a very good looking situations.

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